The structure of the society has led us to believe that the best predicate to measuring intelligence are the grades we acquire in our various schools and colleges. This has been the case for decades now and it used to make sense until recent times. I mean Einstein was not always top of his class, In fact, he had difficulties in school, particularly during his elementary and secondary education in Germany.
I will go on ahead to define intelligence as the ability to learn, understand, reason, adapt, and solve problems effectively. It encompasses a person's capacity to acquire knowledge, apply it to different situations, and make informed decisions. Intelligence is not limited to a single aspect but involves a combination of various mental abilities, including logical thinking, creativity, memory, and the ability to learn from experiences. An artist will fail face to the ground if faced with problems related to science or tech, but will excel with matters of colors, paint brushes and creative measures tied to their complexities.
I will also define intelligence as the inherent interest for knowledge acquisition, combined with a proactive disposition towards actual learning. It extends beyond the mere potential to gather information, emphasizing the willingness to embark on a journey of knowledge acquisition.
So this post does not end up too long, Here's a list of 10 Traits you will most likely find a combination of in intelligent people.
1. Willingness:
willingness to learn is intimately connected to intelligence. It reflects an individual's openness to new knowledge and experiences, serving as a fundamental driver for intellectual growth and adaptability.
Intelligence is not merely a static collection of facts and skills; it's a dynamic quality that thrives on the acquisition of new information and the ability to apply it effectively. An individual's capacity to learn and embrace novel concepts, technologies, and insights is a key indicator of their intelligence.
Intelligent individuals understand that the world is in a constant state of change. They grasp the importance of staying receptive to fresh perspectives and evolving paradigms. This openness to learning enables them to navigate the ever-shifting landscape of knowledge and innovation with agility and insight.
2. Strong Cognitive Ability:
Cognitive abilities I would say and you would agree are the intellectual tools that form the bedrock of intelligence. They allow us to accumulate, process, and apply knowledge, enabling us to understand the world, solve problems, and adapt to an ever-changing landscape. Intelligence, therefore, emerges from the seamless interplay of these cognitive functions, shaping our capacity to engage with the complexities of life.
Memory, at the core of cognitive abilities, enables us to accumulate knowledge and experiences, forming the basis upon which we build our intelligence. It allows us to retain and retrieve vital information, enhancing our problem-solving abilities and decision-making. So the ability to remember things, texts, events vivdly is another sign of intelligence
2. Analyzers and Critical thinkers:
Everyone has that one friend we say overthinks everything or they always have second thoughts, some we would tease and call Tinkerbells. This trait can also be attributed to extreme intelligence because extreme intelligence can simply be attributed to an exceptional capacity for intentional analysis, which includes the ability to critically analyze information, evaluate arguments, and engage in profound logical reasoning.
Everyone has that one friend we say overthinks everything or they always have second thoughts, some we would tease and call Tinkerbells. This trait can also be attributed to extreme intelligence because extreme intelligence can simply be attributed to an exceptional capacity for intentional analysis, which includes the ability to critically analyze information, evaluate arguments, and engage in profound logical reasoning.
Individuals in this category have a remarkable capacity to construct cogent and logically sound arguments. They can and will navigate complex chains of thought, tracing connections between premises and conclusions effortlessly. Mostly not because they are gifted, but because they are interested so much that they are ready to overthink your topic.
4. More Listening and Less Speaking:
Intelligent individuals recognize the importance of gathering information and learning from others. Listening attentively allows them to absorb new knowledge, ideas, and perspectives. By actively listening, they can expand their understanding of various subjects and enhance their overall knowledge base. In a discussion where you have one person doing all the talking, the talker tends to leave that discussion without learning a new thing.
5. Curiosity:
The general term and understanding of the word curiosity is wanting to know or have more details about a certain topic, or event. Highly intelligent individuals tend to possess a natural inquisitiveness, driven by an insatiable appetite to just "Naturally want to know more". I think there should or there is a word for that, its called Information or Factoid Disorder (IFD).
They are driven to explore a wide array of topics and issues. Its curiosity that led to the conflict of knowledge of the state and shape of the earth. Round, flat or spherical, it took just one curious person to disprove an already existing fact.
6. Photographic Memory:
Having a good photographic memory, or the ability to vividly recall visual details. This is a remarkable ability but does not indicate high intelligence on its own as we know intelligence is a mix of the exceptional abilities.
Having a good photographic memory, or the ability to vividly recall visual details. This is a remarkable ability but does not indicate high intelligence on its own as we know intelligence is a mix of the exceptional abilities.
7. Open minded:
Being open minded means having a willingness to consider and accept new ideas, perspectives, information, and experiences without immediately dismissing them or clinging to preconceived notions or biases. It involves a genuine receptivity to different viewpoints and a readiness to adapt one's own beliefs and opinions when presented with compelling evidence or reasoned arguments. Being open-minded helps one be smart by fostering continuous learning, critical thinking, adaptability, and the ability to engage effectively with others. It allows intelligent individuals to leverage their mental capabilities to the fullest by embracing the ever-evolving landscape of ideas and knowledge.
8. Healthy Diet:
A healthy diet supports cognitive function and intelligence by providing essential nutrients that nourish the brain. Nutrient-rich foods, such as those rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins, enhance memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities. Diets like the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, a well-balanced diet helps maintain stable energy levels, supports mood and mental health, and fosters a healthy gut-brain connection. Hydration and mindful eating also play roles in cognitive well-being. Ultimately, a holistic approach to nutrition contributes to optimal brain function and intelligence.
9. Lacking in some other aspects of social intelligence and emotional intelligence:
From famous movies, you would have guessed that most persons intelligent in one aspect or application of intelligence will be lacking in the other. I like to believe that the three classification of intelligence are like words and opposite of each other. Scientific, Creative and Emotional intelligence,
Take a quick survey of the persons you know, the book smart will be lacking a good level of emotional intelligence which will be evident in their inability to socialize effectively. Also persons with high creative intelligence will be lacking in areas of scientific intelligence or emotional intelligence, and those with high emotional intelligence will also be lacking in scientific or creative intelligence. A case where one person packs all three stages of intelligence would be considered genius.
10. Constant studying and ability to focus for a long period:
Typically cited estimates of the attention span among healthy teenagers and adults tend to span approximately 5 hours, a duration that might seem substantial. From a personal perspective, my capacity to sustain a high level of attention and concentration extends to approximately 3 hours, following which I consciously incorporate brief intermissions before embarking on another productive cycle of two to three hours.
To gauge your own attention span, you can conduct a simple yet insightful experiment.
1. Select an activity of your personal passion or interest, can be reading a novel, painting, cooking or baking, or simply dedicating focused effort to professional tasks.
2. Set a timer from when you engaged
3. Get rid of possible distractions
4. Engage until that point where you begin to loose patience or interest (Mostly the point where you get tired and in some cases begin to sleep)
This experiment offers valuable insights into the duration for which one can maintain undivided attention. Topics or activities that resonate with personal passions often receive heightened and prolonged attention, while those lacking intrinsic appeal may struggle to maintain engagement. This phenomenon is intricately tied to the brain's propensity to enter a state of relative inactivity when devoid of stimulating events, a state characterized by the diminished secretion of the prominent neurotransmitter known as dopamine.
Be proud if you hit 3hrs with your experiment.
These traits could vary as I have seen really intelligent people who socialize well and some who dont.
I’ve seen some who are usually very forgetful about basic things like their wallets, car keys, and basic healthy grooming habits like brushing, bathing or even eating. And I have also seen some who dont take these things lightly too. Some get sloppy with things like ropes and knots, Bikes to cars.
There’s always a mix to it. Just find a pattern and connect the dots. you’ll know them when you see them.